Exam Apps.com Review Skilled trade Resource (Tool & Die Maker)

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If you’re like me, taking a test is hard and rarely reflects my actual knowledge on the subject.  That’s why I like to look for other resources and study aids to help me study and prepare for any test. While studying for the tool and die maker 430A-Tool and Die Maker certificate of qualification, I found there are very few external support resources, such as old tests or practice questions that are formatted similarly to the standardized questions you will encounter on this test. That being said, I did find one resource and that is the ExamApp.com skilled trade resource for Tools and Die red seal exam, from Examapps.com

What is the Exam App Tool and Die & Die Maker?

The exam app actually isn’t an app at all. It’s a series of PDF documents on various topics that are related to the trade and may be covered by the standardized test. Each pdf will have about 60-90 multiple choice questions with the correct answer just below the question. The sections provided are :

Health and Safety: 72 multiple choice questions

Occupational skills: 52 multiple choice questions

Latest Question: 125 multiple choice questions

Previous Machinist: 93 multiple choice questions

The Standard Appendix: Includes the following subtests – 

Standard Appendix Questions with 77 multiple choice questions

Hand Tools Test Questions with 18 multiple choice questions

Drilling Test Questions with 8 multiple choice questions

Reaming and Reamers with 10 multiple choice questions

Taps and Tapping with 10 multiple choice questions

Threads with 6 multiple choice questions

Honing with 5 multiple choice questions

Carbide Inserts with 5 multiple choice questions

Gauge Blocks with 5 multiple choice questions

Measurement with 8 multiple choice questions

Lathe with 10 multiple choice questions

Grinding with 36 multiple choice questions

Blueprint Reading with 23 multiple choice questions

Electrical Discharge Machine with 15 multiple choice questions

Ladder Placement and Format with 18 multiple choice questions

Metallurgy with 29 multiple choice questions

Miscellaneous Section with short explanations on how to file and terminology a tradesperson should know

Die Builds and Setups: 67 true or false as well as multiple-choice questions

Jigs and Fixtures: 65 true or false as well as multiple-choice questions

Moulds and Plastics: 15 multiple choice questions

Introduction to Metal Forming:

Eight pages are worth of bullet-pointed information going through all the metal forming, casting, cutting, and joining metal processes.

Mathematical Charts and Formulas: An appendix of all the trade math formulas, used across several trades with examples, as well as, conversion charts for weight and temperature, and measurement drill charts

Speeds and Feeds: 10 multiple choice questions 

CNC Programming Practice Exam: 93 multiple choice questions

Finally a WHIMIS explanation with all the symbols 

What are the Pros of ExamApp.com? 

As you can see there are a lot of questions and other material with the exam apps. There are a lot of questions on a lot of different topics. If you’re just looking for repetition because you feel like you know the material well and you would just like to review it, exam apps might be a big help. Given the sheer amount of material, anyone studying for the test will find something useful. I really felt like the Latest Questions PDF and the Practice Machinist exam were pretty helpful for studying for the machining portion of the test. Most of the machining questions are well thought out and challenge your knowledge of the material. I also found the CNC portion with the speeds and feeds to be a nice refresher with some practical math. The Standard Appendix questions had some very helpful questions in the grinding, lathe, and metallurgy section. It’s nice to have some questions that really pertain to toolmakers and the C of Q that we are preparing for. 

What are the Cons of ExamApp.com

Exam app is a helpful resource that I do recommend, but there are a few things to keep in mind if it is the only resource you are using to study in preparation for your C of Q test.  One of the biggest is that it isn’t an app at all it is a series of PDFs that you can print out with multiple-choice questions with the answer just below the question. Personally, I would prefer to have an answer key at the end of a test to go back and review and take up the test, but some people may like answering each question with a piece of paper covering the answer.  Better than having a piece of paper this could be a powerful study aid if it was an app that had a timer so that you could simulate the test as one is only given 4 hours to complete the test. The PDF topics that are covered are expansive and important but I feel that there could be more stamping pressure calculations, bending allowance calculation questions, spring pressure calculations and progression and cutting clearance calculations would really be good. 40% of the Cof Q is on Tooling and Prototyping to having more questions along with calculations would really make this the difference between a 4-star and a 5-star product.

conclusions do recommend the exam app as a study aid in preparation for the 430A toolmaker C of Q test. In spite of having a lot of room to improve, the sheer quantity of information there is going to be something helpful and useful for anyone studying, be it the Latest Question section or just the appendix where you have all the math formulas and their uses in one place. If you’re like me I am always looking for resources that might be helpful in preparation for the test. If you’re looking for more tooling related material too, take a look at my STAMPING DIE BUILD PROCESS. That whole page is dedicated to my summary notes of the chapters of our die building book in school. Maybe you will find it helpful in understanding some of the basic die stampings and bending. Also, feel free to join our email list if you would like to receive an update as new articles come out on Toolmaking and Machining.

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