10 fundamental stamping Die build components and principals
When building a stamping die a toolmaker normally has a bible of drawings that describe and dimensions all the components that make up the stamping die. The die that I was required to build for school was a very simple stamping die making a bottle cap, and it had 14 components and 16 drawings that made up the die.
The following articles are the study notes i made in preparations for my C of Q test (Certificate of Qualification test). Each article is basically a summary of the chapter form the text. This is not meant to give you a complete explanation but a refresher. You should be familiar with most of the concepts in the notes and if you need more clarity may be referring to the text may help. This is a summary of 11 articles of the 14 components and principles a toolmaker is required to know to pass the C of Q.

Cutting shapes or piercing metals is basically all a toolmaker is trying to achieve, this article is a summary of the blanking and piercing principals continue reading…

Here is a brief explanation of the thought process a Die Maker will know thought when thinking about material utilization and scrap percentages and efficiency of a die. Continue reading…

Here you will learn the purpose of a Die block and all the Die making consideration required to make a functional tool. Continue Reading…

This is a brief description of what a Die punch is and some of the build considerations tools makers may need to keep in mind continue reading…

Here you will learn some of the consideration and application for mounting punches in punch plates. Continue Reading…

Piloting plays just a vital role in making a quality piece part but also a quality tool. A pilot’s location and its dimensions play a critical role in effective piloting. Continue Reading…

Here we will learn about what is required for nesting in order to create quality species parts. Continue reading…

Die stops just like every other component is a critical component. Die stops are used in every die where there is only a single progression to many a properly function die to stop is necessary. Continue Reading…

Strippers come in many types and all of them have specific applications. Knowing the right application and the rules to follow in building a stripper is whats covered in this blog post. Continue Reading…

Fasteners hold everything together helps strippers function and move properly. Applying the wrong faster can actually make tools unsafe and dangerous. Some of it may seem common sense but who are we kidding. Continue Reading…

Die sets can be bought or made in shop, most shops now a say buy them. Even when you buy Die Sets you have to know specifics in order to get the right fitting Die set. Those are just some of the things we will cover in this. Continue reading…
I hope you have found some value to these articles weather you are studying for your C of Q or just trying to get an idea of what’s involved in the tool making a trade. Feel free to check out some of our tool recommendations or join our email list.